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Believe In Yourself – Don’t Give Up!

I sometimes hear the frustration in the voices of people that they have been on something for two or three months. They've been on something for 90 days and it has not changed. I asked James Ray to help me understand why he did not give up after six years.

Three years ago he knew he would get on Oprah, but it has not happened. Two years ago he knew, and years ago he knew it would happen, but it did not quite happen. At any moment he could have quit and say this does not work.

Here is how James replied: I have moments. Two years ago I was in the Sinai Peninsula, and I was preparing to scale Mount Sinai. I spent the night in the Cave of Moses on Mount Sinai where he received the Ten Commandments, and I can tell all sorts of stories about that one. It's amazing, but I was at a point in my life where I really related to the Children of Israel. I once read a story of the Old Testament, you know, I feel so old on this promise and I wrote this Science of Success in 1998.

I know these laws. I felt I was moving to the Promised Land and everything will happen for me. Two years ago in the Sinai Peninsula, I was in a mood to say that I left behind. You know what, God, I've worked my tail off, why hast thou forsaken me?

I'm in tune with how they must feel lost in the desert after getting their freedom from Egypt and my encouragement to you is that then, of course I scale Mount Sinai and Moses spent the night in the cave and come out completely rejuvenated and truly inspired and really replugged in.

You will have those times, even when you teach this. You will have moments when you're looking at the results of physical and you go, man, this is too difficult. I have worked too long, and it does not work. It's okay, because if it's just a few moments or a day or two as long as it's not a consistent vibration you constantly, it's okay. It's part of being human, and so take it easy on yourself because you know, it's sort of like people who go on diets and they can not ... and they go out and have a great pizza and they go Man, I've blown it, I'm such a loser. Well, okay, it's over now, I might as well just eat anything, because I've blown it. Well, no you have not. You know, you have one meal.

I have a little time in the desert where I feel left out, but I'm back on track real fast. So, either to yourself. We all have ups and downs. There is always a valley before the peak

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