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5 Quick Tips to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill

"I just do not understand them! Every day I tell the kids, 'Turn off the a / c when you leave the room" They're just not listening! Last month our bill was almost $ 300 "She raised her hands in despair complete!.

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common complaints. Children want to do the right thing, but without an understanding of why this is so important, it would not be the first thing that pops in their minds.

I live in Thailand AC is as necessary as bottled water. Here we have 360 ​​days of hot weather, sticky and we are truly grateful to God Cooling.

However, as the days get hotter, more and more people are demanding convenience. The CFCs from air conditioners are pollutants that destroy ozone molecules. This thins the ozone layer so that more ultraviolet (UV) rays entering our atmosphere. This is what causes global warming. This extra heat creates more demand for / C!

Now, I do not recommend throwing AC or make them illegal and banned them from the earth forever ... well ... No, but there are some things that you and your family can do to help save the world and teach the children how to save money on electricity.

• Praise the need for cooling with ceiling fans and / or floor fans. This will help distribute air circulation and cool more efficiently.

• Clean the filters and coils once a month. If the air is blocked from the dust that gets collected, the unit can not breathe. This makes the work harder. Here's a helpful reminder: the electric bill every time it comes to day to clean or change your filter and spray the coil.

• The AC best are those that fit your room. A unit that is too small for the area will work too hard, never felt quite cold, and your electric bill will skyrocket!

• Consider Energy-Star rated unit. A 5-rating is the most energy-efficient.

• So, how to get the kids to help? Get them involved. Did they examine the effects of global warming and for their planet. Make it a family project and support their ideas. Let them know that they can be heroes action every time they take small steps to create a better world.

I am very fortunate to teach high school science in Bangkok. I was assigned a science project for their final value. The students must research and create a Power Point presentation about global warming.

One day, while working in my office, two of my students come to chat. A student reminds me that if I keep the curtains closed will keep the sun out and then I do not need to use the AC so much. They quickly closed the curtains, changing the temperature / c and bowed with respect as they go. All I can do is smile.

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