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A New Look to an Old Bathroom

As responsible and hygiene-conscious householders, most of us take care of our living rooms, cooking spaces, the gardens, basements, and other important parts of our homes. However, one part of the house, that is equally (if not more) crucial to the overall set-up of any home, is the bathroom. As such, bathroom remodeling projects have to be accorded due attention as well. If your bathroom is looking old, or out of sync with the other sections of the house, it is considered to be high time to remodel your bath. If you require certain additional bath fixtures, and/or need to repair or replace some of the bathing accessories, you should also opt for a bathroom remodeling job.

Bathroom Remodel Bathroom Remodel

There are many features of a bathroom, which can be effectively manipulated to lend a new look and feel to the bath. For example, as we go on using our bathrooms, the vanity, the baseboard or the molding of the bath windows may get stained or marked. Such undesirable sheen needs to be removed from these areas, in order to restore the fresh look of your bath. For this aspect of bathroom remodeling tasks, you need to sand the affected areas carefully, and then add primer to the places, so that the stain marks get covered.

Bathroom remodeling experts also place considerable importance on selecting the correct putty material for a bath area. While remodeling a bath, it makes sense to make use of wooden putties, since all existing holes could be easily covered up that way. Also, if your bathroom has curtain roods, they might also result in the formation of holes over time. These holes need also be properly filled in, and dust particles and other formations have to be removed as well.

Householders also often weigh the option of horizontal painting of the window drawers (if present), and the doors of the bath vanity. Such methods of bathroom remodeling invariably lead to a touch of sophistication in the area. The baseboards, other bath windows, the door of the bathroom and even the crown molding can also be removed, painted and replaced in the same manner. Ideally, a couple of coats of the new paint should be applied. That would ensure that the old paint gets totally covered up. Rollers can also be used to provide the desirable finishing touch to the bathroom walls.

This brings us nicely to the topic of painting your bath area. If your bathroom needs a lift from its rather used, roughed-up appearance, nothing helps more than the application of bright colors. The bath vanities should be done up with semi-gloss paints of good quality. Choosing the type of bath paint is, however, not the only thing to be considered regarding this issue. Painting the bathroom should be done by using the correct techniques too. Bathroom remodeling professionals recommend the usage of continuous, and lengthy strokes of paint brushes, while applying new colors to your bath.

Bathroom remodeling projects also include changes in bath accessories, since the latter are instrumental in lending a new look to the bath. For example, you can consider setting up blinds on the bath windows, new curtains (that can keep the discretion of the bathroom, while enhancing the beauty of the bath), and appropriate changes in the other doors and drawers of the bathroom. You can also repair or replace your bathtub, if the latter is damaged or looks worn out.

You can either choose to remodel your bath on your own, or, alternatively, hire the services of a professional bathroom remodeling firm. If you are planning to do the job on your own, expenses in the region of about $ 5000 should cover the project adequately. However, if you wish to acquire the services of bathroom remodelers, you need to spend around $ 8000, for a standard, small0-bathroom remodel. Charges go up with increase in the scale of the bathroom remodeling job as well as the size of the bath. Indeed, fully remodeling a large bathroom can require householders to cough up amounts up to $ 30,000 as well.

Ideally, bathrooms should be considered at par in terms of importance with any other parts of houses. Hence, bathroom remodeling also should form a crucial component of any renovation plan that a householder might have for his/her home. An old-looking bath definitely would not go well with an otherwise pretty house. Besides, with time, the bath can develop certain problems, and become unhygienic as well. In order to provide your bath an all-new appearance, and maintain the healthiness of the place, you should go for an appropriate bathroom remodeling project.

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