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The Causes, Preventions and Solutions For Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can be a real pain. Drains are a part of our daily life and there is no home or office that doesn?t use the drainage system every single day. Our bathrooms, kitchens, roofs and the outside of our homes all have and need drains to send water down through. Due to daily use and mistakes made on our parts, these drains occasionally get blocked. Here are some common causes, preventions and cures for blocked drains.


? Hairy Situations ? We?re all continuously loosing hair. Hair doesn?t melt, change texture or evaporate once it goes through a pipe. It gathers and can entangle other things in it which can block a drain.

? Flushing the un-flushable ? Some of us think that flushing small things down the toilet won?t cause a problem. If it can flush it can get through the whole pipe line, can?t it? Well, it can?t. Pipes get smaller and smaller and if you flush something like a nappy or baby wipe down the toilet it can collect and block a drain.

? Making a Drainage Salad ? Letting food go down your kitchen sink is a common cause. Small pieces of food can and will block your drains because they can collect and are not always washed away by water.

? The ?oops? moment ? Dropping something in the toilet and not taking it out, hoping it will have a safe journey through is always a big mistake. Whatever it may be, you?re better off retrieving it than letting it go.

? Flush Experiment ? Kids and some adults even, sometimes like to watch things flush down the toilet for fun. The toilet is not a toy and should not be treated like one.


? Make sure you have strainers covering pipes and throw away things that gather on the strainers.
? Remove hair from sink and bathtub immediately so hair doesn?t get stuck in the pipes.
? Have a bin next to the toilet so anything that needs to be thrown goes in there and not the toilet.
? Be careful about what you bring near the toilet. Don?t place items near the toilet so there isn?t a chance of them falling in.
? Remind everyone that the toilet is not a toy
? Block or cover overflows & external grates


? Plunger ? this is a common product used for blocked drains. It?s easy to use and works almost all the time when the problem is addressed immediately

? Plumber's Snake - This is a flexible steel cable wound around a hand crank. For sinks, bathtubs and shower drains a 25 or 30 foot cable is the standard and usually sufficient

? Blocked Drain Solutions ? There are many liquids available in the market that can work on unclogging pipes without damaging the pipes

? High Pressure Water Jet ? These are great for clearing dirt and grease from drains. Water jets are particularly useful for drains with limited access

? Pipe relining ? This is the solution for a worst case scenario. When nothing can be done, new pipes come in

When simple solutions don?t work for you, it is best to call a Master Plumber. Letting an expert do what he?s good at is a more cost effective solution than buying every available product in the market. Sometimes our solutions don?t work because we don?t know the cause of the blocked drain, so whatever we try fails. Tree roots for example are a common problem that we can?t see and only a Master Plumber can assess and resolve.

The best solution however is always prevention, so keep your pipes clean!
This article was prepared by Wolfgang Hofbauer on behalf of Arscott Plumbing With the wide area around Melbourne that Arscott Plumbing services you can sleep soundly knowing that an Emergency Plumber is only a call away

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Article Added on Thursday, December 8, 2011
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1 comment for "The Causes, Preventions and Solutions For Blocked Drains"

  1. Is it a good idea to have regular checkups by your plumber so that water damage doesn't happen over time. I can't remember the last time I had a plumber over would it be good just to have someone look at things.find more about unclogging
