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4 Great Tips for Hiding Christmas Presents

4 Great Tips for Hiding Christmas PresentsWhen I was a kid, I was notorious for searching high and low for my Christmas presents and almost always found what I was looking for. It’s the nature of a child to not be able to wait for Christmas and, even though they hate when they actually ruin their surprise, kids can’t help but look.

Today’s kids are even smarter and it takes pretty crafty parents to outwit a kindergartner. Believe me, I know. So what are parents who do their holiday shopping early supposed to do?

Don’t Tell The Kids
The first step to keeping the presents hidden is keeping them secret. Start your shopping early and don’t tell the kids you’re getting presents. Do it while they are in school or keep the presents in the trunk until they go to sleep.

The kids won’t start looking for presents if they don’t know they’re there. You can keep this ruse going until a couple of weeks before Christmas when they are just going to assume the presents are there. When that happens, it’s time to step up the game.

Go For The Nooks And Not The Crannies
I don’t even know what a crannie is, so I generally try and stay away from them. But the best hiding places are those which kids can’t get into. Don’t think about hiding them in a closet or in the attic without some dded protection. They’ll sniff them out from a mile away. If you really want to keep it safe, one word: Padlock. My mom resorted to the padlock after three consecutive years of finding the presents.

Under the Christmas Tree
We all love to see a Christmas tree filled with several layers of presents underneath it. It makes that perfect Christmas picture, but it’s also the perfect opportunity for the present peepers. They will look through every fold and may even attempt unwrapping and re-wrapping if you’re out of the room.

Think about putting the presents away every night at bedtime to keep them from getting up in the night. If you don’t want to do that, then double wrap the presents. They won’t be able to see anything by looking through the folds and if they unwrap once and see the second layer, they’ll likely stop rather than risk being caught.

When in Doubt, Guilt it
If you want to pull at their heartstrings, then tell them the truth. You would be heartbroken if they found their presents early. It may not stop them from trying, but it might lessen the wind in their sails enough that they won’t go to such extremes.

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